Moving backups from NFS to FTP

We previously mentioned how we had moved from a tape backup to using the free IBM backup application (GO BACKUP) to using the NFS capability to move IMGCLG entries to our remote NAS. Initially everything […]

Yet more from AAG

The initial release of AAG has only just made the rounds and yet we already have some new features that we are adding. With the first couple of installs underway we are finding new features […]

It’s Simple – HA4i!

Introducing Shield’s Technical YouTube channel. How did this come about? In recent weeks, we have completed an inordinate number of live demos for our High Availability solution HA4i. We felt it was time to put […]

NEMS and IBM i Monitoring

We have been looking at providing a plug-and-play monitoring solution for the IBM i specifically for our HA4i product after a request from one of our customers (details of this can be found in a […]

Job Tracking Update.

When IBM announced the availability of a new Job Tracking capability for IBM i in Version 7.4 we were very excited and despondent at the same time. Despondent because the JT4i product could become obsolete […]

New Object Distribution Product RE4i

We have mentioned before that we have been developing a method to allow objects to be distributed via RDi User Commands. RE4i is the resulting product which is available for download on our Downloads page […]

It’s Like Insurance for Your IBM i Job Queues

Backups in whatever form are insurance to keep the integrity of your data safe and retrievable. High Availability is an ultimate form of backup, whether to a cloud or another system – captures everything, switchable, […]

Support details HA4i and JT4i

Just a gentle reminder to customers about the new support process for JT4i and HA4i.We have introduced a support portal which uses OSTicket to allow the submission and tracking of support requests. As part of […]

Let’s ‘C’ some IFS locks

I was recently asked about how to retrieve information about what jobs were locking a particular IFS object which is something we covered in a post back in July 2012. IBM does provide a program […]

HA4i gains new features using Let’s ‘C’ technology

We have previously posted about how to connect to a remote web server from your IBM i using both secure and non-secure sockets as part of a series of open source snippets (Let’s ‘C’) we […]