There are a number of ways to approach the use of Open Source within your IBM i / IT environment. The one we see discussed a lot on the IBMIOSS groups and various other mediums […]
Category: LAMPS Server
Integrating IBM i CGI programs into Linux Web Server
We have been working with a number of clients now who have CGI programs (mainly RPG) that have been used as part of web sites which were hosted on the IBM Apache Server. These programs […]
A Bit more fun with the File display and update web pages.
[adrotate group=”3,5,7,8,9″] OK so we thought we would have a bit more fun with the previous programs which allowed you to move around and update file records. This is very basic code so don’t expect […]
Adding CGI capabilities to iAMP
[adrotate group=”3,7,8,9″] We have been working with a client who wanted to be able to install a new website on their IBMi. The new website was developed on another OS using cake PHP by a […]
Installing RedHat into a IBMi Guest LPAR
[adrotate group=”3,7,8,9″] We had a lot of issues recently with the hosting LPAR which caused us to un-install all of the Guest partitions except the iOS partition to see if they were having any adverse […]
IBMi running a Guest AIX Partition accessing IBMi data.
[adrotate group=”9″] We have been playing around with the setup of our IBMi system to run various guest partitions that are running difference supported OS’s. The first install was another IBMi guest partition which would […]
IBMi where i really does stand for integration…
[adrotate group=”3,7,8,9″] We have been running 3 separate IBM i systems for a number of years now so that we could test the products we develop and provide some level of recovery should one of […]
New Apache, MySQL PHP stack for IBMi called iAMP Server
[adrotate group=”3,7,8,9″] Aura Equipments of France has just announced a new Apache, MySQL and PHP stack for the IBMi, the new stack has been compiled from standard open source code and is available for free […]
Simple PHP scripts to display a List of spool files and their content
[adrotate group=”3,9″] As part of the development of the JobQGenie PHP interface we needed to be able to display a list of the spool files which are generated for the job queue reload process. The […]
Preparing for new System setup
[adrotate group=”3,7,8,9″] We are busy installing new disks and a Raid control on our 8203-E4A in readiness for partitioning up the system. Out aim is to develop an environment we can use to demonstrate the […]