New Object Distribution Product RE4i

We have mentioned before that we have been developing a method to allow objects to be distributed via RDi User Commands. RE4i is the resulting product which is available for download on our Downloads page […]

RE4i with RDi

Some time ago we built a product that would allow objects to be replicated between systems without the need to use FTP. This is very useful to us when we develop changes to our products […]

Finding why your IBMi system storage is filling up

One of the problems I have with the IBMi is how difficult it is to find out what objects are taking up all the storage on our systems. I have tried the DSPLIB *PRINT and […]

Object Distribution and RE4i

As a development company we are always updating objects on our development systems and need to transfer them to our test systems. This can be a very intensive process when the objects have to be […]