Problem with SNDPTFORD on hosted LPAR’s

We are running and IBM i hosting IBM i LPAR’s environment that we use for all of our development. The setup works perfectly for our purposes and even though we have since created a VIOS […]

Moving backups from NFS to FTP

We previously mentioned how we had moved from a tape backup to using the free IBM backup application (GO BACKUP) to using the NFS capability to move IMGCLG entries to our remote NAS. Initially everything […]

Continuous Integration using Jenkins and More…

I recently attended an online meeting with the MAGIC user group which showed how to install and set up Jenkins on the IBM i for Continuous Integration purposes. The installation and configuration all seemed very […]

New HA4i Multi-Node Product moving along

Many people have asked for a version of our HA4i product which would support multiple replication paths (‘one to many’ and ‘many to one’ etc) but we have been avoiding that until now! We are […]

Adding a IBM i *GUEST LPAR to an IBM i *HOST

One of the benefits of running the IBM i is the ability to partition up the system and have instances of isolated IBM i running without having to spend lots of money on new hardware […]

Open Source and partitioning for Linux.

There are a number of ways to approach the use of Open Source within your IBM i / IT environment. The one we see discussed a lot on the IBMIOSS groups and various other mediums […]

Netbeans remote support working!

As promised, I have now managed to get the initial build of a C program on the IBM i using the remote build support provided by NetBeans. See my previous posting to see how I […]

Attention Light on new Power8 set up

We recently logged a Hardware PMR with IBM due to an attention light which kept coming on on the new Power8 system we have just set up. The light would come on at the same […]