Memory issues resolved

The problem has been fixed! Apparently due to the fact that the system can run different instances of iOS and AIX etc you have to define the memory in the service tools for the partition! IBM walked me through the process and I entered the new memory config, rebooted the server and I can now see the memory (well almost, somehow it hides part if it from you)

Here is the WRKSHRPOOL output

Work with Shared Pools
System: SHIELD2
Main storage size (M) . : 1887.87

Type changes (if allowed), press Enter.

Defined Max Allocated Pool -Paging Option–
Pool Size (M) Active Size (M) ID Defined Current
*MACHINE 489.20 +++++ 489.20 1 *FIXED *FIXED
*BASE 633.10 57 633.10 2 *FIXED *FIXED
*INTERACT 765.32 79 765.32 3 *FIXED *FIXED
*SPOOL .25 5 .25 4 *FIXED *FIXED
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Display tuning data

1887.87 is closer to 2048 than 1016!
To change the memory figures you have to change the partition information under SST
Here is my set up, notice how you have to subtract the minimum from the maximum to get the partition size and it has to be divisible by 16!

Change Partition Configuration
System: SHIELD
Type changes, press Enter.

Partition identifier and name . . . . . . . . 1 10-0B3AA

Number of available system processors . . . : 0
Number of partition processors . . . . . . . . 1
Minimum / maximum number of processors . . . . 1 / 1
Use shared processor pool . . . . . . . . . . 2 1=Yes, 2=No
Size of available memory (MB) . . . . . . . : 0
Size of partition memory (MB) . . . . . . . . 1904
Minimum / maximum size of memory (MB) . . . . 128 / 2048
Enable workload management . . . . . . . . . . 2 1=Yes, 2=No
Virtual Ethernet Identifiers (1=Yes, 2=No)
1 2 3 4
2 2 2 2

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Now to see just how much faster the system performs! The IPL was certainly faster. Infact everything is much faster… except the IBM HTTPAdmin pages etc!


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