Well I am off for a few days to relax on my boat and visit Algonquin Park! So no posts for a while after today, spending a lot of time doing forum posts and this […]
Oh! give me an i5 solution
I have to admit Microsoft CRM 3.0 stinks! Having spent weeks trying to work out how to manage the Sales Process in a way that ensures the sales staff enter the correct data I have […]
MS CRM 3.0 challenges
I finally got the sales process to work in a manner which meets the initial requirements of the client. I now have the process sending out tasks for the sales rep to respond to and […]
Installing MySql Version 5.0.41 on the i5
I have had MySql installed on my i520 ever since the possibility of running it was mentioned and before IBM said they would support it. Having just completed the initial design of the new features […]
MS CRM 3.0
I don’t normally do much on the MS platform but recently I took up a challenge to create an integrated CRM package for one of my clients. We have been doing this on and off […]
Gentoo Rocks!
I have been planning for sometime to build a new server for storing my i5 save Images which were created on the i5 using the Virtual Optical support, well I finally took the plunge and […]
Cheap data storage for the i5
I have been reviewing the use of Virtual Storage on the i5 for some time now, yet I dont see many others doing much in the way of expressing interest in its use. The biggest […]
FTP Security
I was just reading an article about the level of importance more and more companies are attaching to their data and wondered about the IBM System i5 and its FTP server. I have long since […]
OK I am back
Dont know if I feel that recharged after my short break but at least I managed to be away from phones and computers for a while. Had 200 spam emails when I got back last […]
Off for a holiday at last
Ok well I will be offline for a few days taking a rest on my boat! Need to recharge the batteries ready for next week! To those Canadians who read the blog, happy Canada Day! […]