Zend Framework installed with ZendCore 2.5.2

If you intend to use the ZendFramework I would suggest you install a newer copy than the copy installed by default by the ZendCore Install. ZendCore 2.5.2 will install ZendFramework Version 1.0.3! The latest stable […]

Automated unit testing in PHP using PHPUnit

As part of the ZendFramework excercise I am following the author describes some automated testing process for the Framework modules as we build them. He talks about using the PHPUnit testing software which is available […]

Installing a MySQL interface

I am in the throws of going through a tutorial which shows how to set up and use the ZendFramework. It comes as part of a book I found which goes into some detail about […]

Rewrite Problem solved

Sometimes you just have to read the documentation to find out what you did wrong! The ZendFramework uses a concept which pushes all requests through the index.php page in the root directory, this in turn […]