Another Long Weekend is here

At last we have a good forecast for the weekend weather so we are going to take advantage of it and take the boat out for probably its last long trip around Georgian Bay. Things are going well for us at the moment, we have just found out a couple of contracts have been signed for the RAP which should be installed and running before the end of the year. We have also made big strides in coding up the process to allow a single journal definition while still keeping the ability to automatically create all objects on the target. Should have the initial trials completed in the next few weeks with a PTF for Version 1 Release 1 by the end of next month. Version 2 will also support the technology until IBM brings out the expected changes in the APYJRNCHG command in V6R1 which removes the need. I have had some thoughts on the code we produced for the Data Queue display and we will build the next level which will allow the display to a panel group with a few nice additions. I will publish the code but also create a download for those who don’t have the C compiler available.

To all of those in North America Happy Labor day and have a great week end everyone…


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