SugarCRM on the IBM System i5 is now installed

We decided to install the SugarCRM product on the IBM System i5 production server we have just to see if it was possible. The install did not go smoothly but it looks like its in better shape than the Gentoo install we did! Probably the worst bit was the upload of the data for the MySQL database but I am sure IBM has some effect on that? Not only was the upload fairly slow in comparison to what we had seen on the gentoo server but it stopped after just under 900 records. there must be a setting somewhere that allows this limit to be increased but we didnt see anything in the docs which would affect it? Simply splitting the uploads into smaller chunks fixed that problem. By this time we had a lot of problems with the Gentoo Linux install but nothing has shown up on this install, no max memory exceeded messages etc. Looks like it has a problem with the newer levels of PHP unless the Gentoo folks changed the configs so much that they have stopped it from working?

I will post the actual problems and steps taken later…. Its pretty late now so I need to give it a rest for a while.


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